YOU ARE A BORN ORIGINAL AND BOLD INDIVIDUAL with a style and edge all your own. So you have meticulously cultivated your fashion sense to stand out from the crowd, not blend in. Rather than sport the same look as the general public, you prefer to make a personal statement that is uniquely, undeniably, unmistakably yours.
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A PROFESSIONAL DESIGNER TO MAKE A PERSONAL STATEMENT THROUGH FASHION. All it takes is some basic items, a little creativity, and a fresh set of Sharpie markers. And in our new How-To series, “EXPRESS YOURSELF THROUGH FASHION,” we will show you how in just a few quick and easy steps.
CUSTOMISE YOUR CANVAS RUNNERS Canvas runners never go out of style. Whether it is Chuck Taylors, Vans or Keds, this casual and comfortable footwear is a go-to look that goes great with almost any outfit. So fittingly, there is no better canvas for creating personalised design creations than classic white canvas slip-ons or tie-ups.
A fresh pair of bright white canvas runners
Stained by Sharpie™
Rubbing alcohol
White acrylic paint (optional)
STEP 1: PRACTISE ON PAPER FIRST to perfect your personalised design before applying it to your new runners.
STEP 2: PICK A DESIGN THAT IS TOTALLY YOU. Choose a design that fits your individual style and that you will want to wear often. For example, play with fun ideas like:
STEP 3: OUTLINE YOUR DESIGN. Transfer your paper sketches to your canvas runners using a pencil. Pencil lines neatly erase from canvas if you make a mistake. And if light smudges are left over, do not worry, your Sharpie markers will cover them up.
STEP 4: COLOUR IT IN. You are now ready to make your design pop in bold, brilliant colours using your Stained by Sharpie™ markers.
STEP 5: BLEND IT TOGETHER. If you desire a blended-in effect in your design, use rubbing alcohol to subtly swirl your Sharpie colours together. Using an eyedropper, simply add several drops of alcohol to the areas you want to blend, then let soak in and watch the colours spread and mingle. The more drops you add, the greater the blurring effect will be. Allow to dry when done.
DONE! You can officially join all the other kids with the pumped up runners with your own one-of-kind creations sure to kick up tons of compliments from your friends.
Check back to this section often for our next EXPRESS YOURSELF THROUGH FASHION edition. And be sure to send us your own ideas too!